FAQs - Site Information

Glass Images

Hot GlassA catalogue of Scottish Glass

The catalogue now has over 4,400 items. But it has a long way to go!

These informational catalogues will continue expanding to include all available glass images. Images are being provided by glassmakers, dealers and collectors; anyone can contribute. Nothing is offered for sale! But you can contact active glassmakers for details to buy or commission their work.

The catalogues are dependent on input from makers and collectors as well as invaluable assistance from companies. All images are copyright, and the copyright owner is indicated in the text. Please do not take these images without consent. You will be charged for this, as stated at the bottom of the screen. Ask and you will usually get a positive answer, depending on intended use and the copyright owner's requirements. The left-hand menus enable you to view items by design type, designer or year of production, in some cases. Many images are clickable, but, in general, you should click on Product Details... to get more information about an item.

Use the advanced search to find by content that is not on a menu, for example, "Collectors Society" or "Nature Study". We already have examples of Caithness that have not appeared in the published catalogues, neither Charlton nor Caithness.

The growth of this catalogue is up to you! Where images have been sourced from catalogues with the owner's consent, there are may be no additional views. Examples to replace catalogue images and showing different views are always welcome.

There are no limits to how many items can be added or the number of views.

Mistakes will pop up from time to time, so it would be helpful if you let us know of any you spot. Thank you and enjoy...

If you want to use an image in a book or anywhere else, we can put you in touch with the copyright owner to make arrangements.

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