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These catalogues are organised by Glass Artist, Glass person or company, within each category they are organised chronologically where possible. Select sequence by SKU to obtain this sequence. In some categories with large numbers, there may be subgroupings.
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Burns Crystal numbering is mnemonic, effort was made to keep to the company names but minor adjustments were made in a few cases so that the itens display sequentially.
Caithness Glass paperweight numbering has a logical structure, as yet I do not know when this commenced. During 2005-2006 a change of owner and computer system meant that they could not use that system and an alternate numeric Sku was used, it had no logic. Here is how they code weights:
XyyNNN or XyyNN or XNNyy
X = 'X' for Limited edition, 'U' for unlimited.
yy = Year number
NNN or NN = serially assigned number
Glassware appears to have had no such logic and there appears to be some odd numberings introduced from time to time. Mostly a four digit number was used.
Perthshire Paperweights - had a number of schemes. Each year an annual collection is numbered A, B, C etc/ Most of the rest of production had a PP number, followed by digits. No separation for Limited or Unlimited and the design under a particular number could alter radically. Limited editions could also include colour options. This catalogue will include different designs within the same coding to allow easier identification.
Monart Glass was coded based on pages of 26 items in the catalogue and shapes allocated A-Z within a page code letter thus AA, BA, CA, DA were on the first catalogue page. AE, BE, CE etc on the 5th catalogue page. Their were twelve pages with photographic examples on the first 11 and outlines on the rest. In addition a number of pages of a lighting catalogue were prepared. An earlier 4 page catalogue was issued but apart from layout was identical except for the swapping of the image of one shape - this earlier catalogue is shown here. These catalogues are being evolved as newsizes are found, often labelled, many of the deigns changed a little over the years on ysartglass.com this was covered by variant pages, here multiple examples can be shown side by side on the details page as showing here .
Vasart never had a catalogue and the catalogues on Ysart Glass.com were first created in the late 1980's by the collectors club and since expanded on ysartglass.com.
Strathearn issued at least one catalogue. But in the early days they continued with the same style and designs as when they were Vasart.
Edinburgh Crystal numbering systems are currently unknown. Many ranges were named.
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If anyone has information on any numbering/cataloguing schemes by any Scottish organisation/company/collector let us know please. We can be as diverse as history here - there is no objective other than sharing knowledge and hopefully also to build more interest in Scottish glass being produced today!
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